About me
I am a scientific researcher at the 'Emil Racoviță' Institute of Speleology in Bucharest, Romania, specializing in cave science for over 10 years. Throughout my MSc and PhD theses, I have approached topics such as karst hydrogeology and geomorphology, karst vulnerability assessment, data-based modelling using GIS, and paleoclimate studies.
Cave research provides unique insights into past climates and environmental changes. My scientific interest is focused on the evolution of caves and their paleoenvironmental contexts during the climate oscillations of the Upper Pleistocene. Research involves systematic paleontological excavations and studies of speleothems and sediments.
A significant part of my work involves going on field trips to different areas of Romania, as well as other karstic regions around the world. I enjoy taking photos to capture the beauty that I come across during these trips.
If you find my work interesting, please feel free to contact me.
I am always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and expand my research.